Event Camping
All overnighting is for event participants or spectators only
- It is a requirement to book a site prior to your arrival (click the 'Book a site' button below) - if the preferred event is not listed on the booking website, please contact us directly.
- Self-contained motorhomes / caravans must hold a certified self-containment certificate.
- Some Events allow tents in specific areas. Please read the Terms & Conditions thoroughly when booking a site.
- A self-containment vehicle is designed to completely meet the ablutionary and sanitary needs of the occupants (including water for drinking and cooking) for a minimum of three days without requiring any external services or discharging any waste
- No tents on Brendon Hartley Drive Camping Sites
- There are no showers or toilets available for use, campers need to be equipped for the length of stay
- Access to Manfeild is via 59 South Street, Feilding
- Please see map (below) for the overnighting designated area
- There is a pre-payment service available. There is an abundance of non-powered sites. Powered sites will be on a first-in first-served basis
- All overnighters are to take away their rubbish when they leave the venue
- No dogs
- Personal property safety is at your own risk. Manfeild Park Trust will not be responsible for any losses during your stay
- Please respect your fellow overnighters and keep noise to a minimum
- It is recommended that you bring blocks as not all sites are level
- Main vehicle access gates are locked at approximately 9.00pm till approximately 6.30am, pedestrian access is available outside these hours
- Check out our guide with additional information to help you experience our region.
- Prices (GST inclusive) are per person, per site, per night:
- Non-powered site: $10.00
- Powered site: $15.00
One self-contained motorhome / caravan per site (you may be asked to remove your vehicle from your caravan).
- All overnighting charges must be settled on arrival with Manfeild Park Trust or prior
- Please check in on arrival at the Manfeild Office (located at D6 on the below map). Please note, our office hours are Monday - Friday - 8:30am - 4.30pm (pre-payment is preferred)
- Credit Card/internet banking facilities are available for payment when booking online
- Upon payment, Manfeild Park Trust will provide you with a display pass that must be displayed on your motorhome/caravan at all times whilst onsite