Manfeild Hosts Business After 5
Business after 5, a showcase of what Manfeild has to offer
When the opportunity came knocking for Manfeild to host a Business After 5 event, we jumped at chance to let those who would be attending know a little more about what Manfeild really is all about.
This wonderful event which was hosted in collaboration with the Manawatu Business chamber, was an excellent way for a newly refreshed Manfeild team to connect and network with local business owners and members of the community.
On the evening of the 17 of July attendees were welcomed into the facility by Manfeild Staff and members of the Business chamber at one of the parks corporate suites located at the renowned Circuit Chris Amon. The evening was spent by all enjoying the company of all that were in attendance, with Business Development Manager Adrian Larkin delivering a small presentation highlighting some of the unique aspects of Manfeild Park Trust with goal of enlightening people as to what actually goes on here.
With catering and beverage services provided by local catering specialist KR’s catering, it was a wonderful night for all who attended, and we look forward to hosting another one for those who weren’t able to attend this time.
A big thank you to the team at the Manawatu Business Chamber for all the support they provided us to ensure that this night was a success.