D1NZ Takes over Circuit Chris Amon
Drifting championship at manfeild
June saw Manfeild hosting the fourth round of the D1NZ national drift competition which kicked off on the Friday with the Manfeild hosted test day for the D1NZ competitors.
This was a good chance for the drivers to get familiar with the layout of Circuit Chris Amon as well as the everchanging conditions of the Manawatu region. Seat time was critical, and it was evident as the drivers looked much more comfortable toward the ends of the day and it was clear to see they were ready for competition. Saturday was the first official day of the D1NZ competition saw the Pro-Sport category take to the circuit first to decide the winner for round 4 with plenty of high-speed sideways action to keep everyone entertained. Sunday saw the Pro category take to the track, with a fiercely fought competition and some excellent drifting skill on display, it was hard not to be entranced by the cars as the danced their way around the corners side by side. Overall, it was an amazing event which was great to have at Manfeild as we begin to return to some level of normality. We look forward to hosting more events like this in the future and we can't wait to have D1NZ back at Manfeild.